Why Abroad? Why Not Here?

3:39:00 PM

We're already aware of the severe lack of direction our government has succumbed to. The PM's venture to a different country for a heart surgery accentuates the ineptness of our own medical facilities. Why would he otherwise proceed abroad, undermining Pakistani surgeons and their practices in the process? Because all of Pakistan's politicos have deemed the doctors here and their surgical capabilities untrustworthy, by opting for medical examinations outside of the folds of the country.

This is, of course, because of relentless ignorance. The country's money has been invested in unnecessary projects, such as the Disneyland-themed recreational park, and the transport programs—the need of which is not as dire as that of effective hospital accommodation and equipment. 

Maybe, if a little attention is paid to this area of problems, the people living here wouldn't be as devastated as they usually are at the prospect of surgery within the country. Not all of Pakistan's citizenry is wealthy enough to endure the expense of surgical luxuries abroad. 

Why? Why Abroad? Why not here?

This is a serious question that needs immediate answering.

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