The Wonders of Positivity.

12:08:00 AM

My first semester is almost at its end. It was like a roller-coaster ride; there were ups and there were downs. I met a lot of new people. Good, and bad. As the semester neared its final stages, almost all of the bad became good, became friends. Good acquaintances, if not friends. Some just stopped being mean to me all too frequently. 

If you try, life can become a little like you want it to. All you have to do is step outside of your comfort zone and be the real you. There is no magic needed, no chemical formula, just a little bit of effort of trying new. 

I used to be a troubled little being, reacting every now and then to even the most pettiest of antics. Making scenes and then regretting have done so. It wouldn't be wrong to say that that's all in the past. 

We grow. This might not be true for some, but then again, it depends upon how they see it. Our experiences teach us way more than textbooks and teachers. We learn a lot from ourselves and by interacting with the world. Our positive aspects get polished and highlighted and our negative aspects are covered with a thick layer of all the good that we've done. 

There still is good left in the world. It wouldn't be standing if there wasn't. We might not see it, but there also is good inside of every single breathing soul on the planet. It's only a matter of seeing beyond. There is good in even the most meanest of the people you interact with daily. You just have to be bold and resilient enough to force that good out of that person. You'll be amazed at how amazing things will be later.

I thought there was strength in being alone, in standing alone. I guess there is, if seen through a different perspective. But sometimes, you realize that standing alone constantly can become a little too tiresome. You become bored. You need people. You want friends. Friends who like you and support you. Friends that feel like family

You can have fun with your acquaintances, too! You don't have to be mentally intimate with everyone. Knowing when to dance what dance is key. Wow, that's cool. I had fun with classmates whom I barely talk to today. Or rather, yesterday. 

I know how all of this happened. I showed everyone the real me. I behaved like a normal human being and it worked! I should do it more often. 

The wonders of positivity are endless.

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