Outside of My Comfort Zone.

8:40:00 PM

I am glad that I've been forced outside of my comfort zone.

Life at campus is impossible without being social. You have to move around, rotate, talk to people; everything that I once refused to do. But now, I don't. I know that it's compulsory, necessary. You can't do without.

It's not that bad, talking to people. It feels nice. You feel like you belong. Once you've got a taste of it, you want more. You eventually start forgetting about your imaginary friends, and start focusing on the living, breathing ones that you've learned to be around with and talk to. It becomes a routine.

People are not as bad as I was used to thinking. All you have to do is give them some time. Make them see the real you. It won't be soon, when they'll accept you for who you are and befriend you, but it will be.

Is this an illusion? This abrupt new outlook? This insanely amazing perspective? Or is this something that was already within, waiting to be unleashed?

I think it's the latter.

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