
3:37:00 PM

Colors, splattered or thrown all over me...

I am yet to experience the feeling.

When I and a friend of mine began debating over whether the festival of Holi should be celebrated as a Public Holiday for the related minorities, the argument didn't last long. He asserted that because the Muslims in India are not being given their religious liberty, we should do the same with the Hindus here. This isn't what he actually said. But what he did might as well be written like the above.

What did I say?

I told him that he's in the wrong.

Why should these people be not given their religious freedom? I believe this was a much-needed move, declaring the festival to celebrated as a public holiday. This means that Pakistan is finally setting itself free off the chains of conservatism.

This means that the change that we've been waiting for has begun to appear.

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