Spider's Web.

9:59:00 PM

He opens his eyes. 

Everything is blurry, unclear. 

He can't move his hands when he tries—he can't move.

A few seconds after his eyes adjust to the dark, he again tries ascertaining his surroundings.  

It's a web! A spider's web.

He's tied to a spider's web...

The web appears to be never-ending; the points of its origin invisible. 

He tries to pull free his arms, but is only met with failure. 

His limbs are spread wide apart, glued to this prison of his. 

After what feel like hours to him, begin the vibrations...

Something becomes visible in the distance. 

It comes closer, its structure becoming more clearer.

It is a creature.

Horror grips him. 

When he realizes...

The creature is a spider. 

A blood-thirsty spider...

Coming closer by every passing second.

To quench its thirst.

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