5 Things Everyone Eighteen Must Know.

6:37:00 PM

For some, it's a pretty big deal turning eighteen. Some were just waiting for the privileges that come with. Some dread the responsibilities that suddenly turn one's world upside down. We all turn eighteen one day, whether we like it or not.

It would help, if you know how to not create problems for yourself and not be a burden on your parents. Because, it's a package deal turning eighteen; pros and cons.

Here are 5 of the many things everyone eighteen must know.

1. Being Smart with Your Money.

It is quite tempting, wanting to spend your allowance or hard-earned cash all in one place. It's equally tempting to spend it all in different places. You just want to spend. It is wrong. Very naive and so not what everyone eighteen must do. You need to be smart with your money if you want to survive. You can't keep on relying on your parents or your guardians to be there for you. Forever. You're a grown up bird now; it's time to leave the nest. And, if you want to acclimate to the complications that arise the moment you do, or a little while later, you need to have some cash stashed away. You can refer to it as emergency cash. The name is quite self-explanatory.

Start hoarding right away!

2. Bargaining.

Considered an adult-only skill, bargaining will take you places. It'll also save you from frequently withdrawing cash from your ATM. You need to be tall enough and menacing enough to be able to use this magic spell on people. Now, don't go on wearing your mom's high heels to ensure one of the mentioned two. Specially if you're a guy. Don't, please. People will notice, okay? And, no. No amount of staring practice or mean make up will help you, either. I guess what I meant by being menacing, was having an air of authority. You need to show the other person that you mean business and that you two aren't in a play ground. You can't only employ bargaining on a salesman, you can also buy more time from a client if you're working or convince your teachers and even on your friends. The applications are limitless!

3. The Lay of Your City.

One of the many things I envy about Dora, The Explorer, is her Map! It just magically jumps out from her Back Pack. On just one call. Knows each and every place. If you try to think of your smartphone as your Map, you might be better off. But, what if your data plan has expired? Or, your batteries are practically screaming: Don't use me any more! I'll shut down. What then?

You need to know the lay of your city. All the important places: business hives, residential areas, shopping malls, restaurants, and other attractions. You'll never have to look for directions online again. If someone stops you to ask for directions, you'll know what to say. You'll even be happy that you helped them out! However, if someone suspicious asks you for directions, unleash all of your karate on them!

It is safer to, just, run; you know? You do not want to find yourself on a hospital bed.

4. Everything on the News.

I know, it's boring. But, beneficial. People detest reading newspapers, they hate the very idea of reading! Better television than that, right? However, watching the news instead of reading it won't save you from much reading. You have to know about political conditions, the economy, what the weather's going to be like, whether there are cannibals on the loose or if aliens are invading the planet. It'll help you act in accordance with everything happening outside of your four-walled room. There's a reason why adults watch the news all the time; they don't want to be taken by surprise by anything. Don't try to prove them wrong by sneaking up on them and peekaboo-ing the life out of them; the news doesn't cover your whereabouts and has no interest in your being a freaking ninja.

Want to be ready for the worst this world has to offer? Watch the news.

5. What You Want to Do in Life.

This one falls in a different category than the ones above. But, it's important as hell. You have to have a clear perspective of the kind of life you want to live. In technical terms, you need to have a clear and well-defined vision. You need to find what it is you want to do in life. Then, start from there. For instance, if you want to be a doctor, don't waste your time reading about mechanics and engineering. You need to focus on your set goals, and not deviate from the path that you want to tread. This isn't some Dan Brown novel, it's your life. There are no hidden clues in changing subject majors and not finding a job not thinking of a sustainable future. The well-being of the human race is not in your hands, so don't set sail to a new adventure, exploring and not doing what you're supposed to do to achieve what it is you want.

Staying true to yourself, going by the book, and using your head once in a while won't hurt now, would it? Take responsibility for your actions and leave no room for embarrassing, fatal errors.

Good luck!

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