6 Things Teenagers of the Digital Age Must Know.

6:40:00 PM

The world has changed, technology has taken over the planet, and those who don't adapt to these changes live an unusually different life. As outcasts. Pariahs. Which is why you won't find many defying the digital age; people don't want to live alone.

This change has affected social standing and employability. If you don't know the basics, you'll be frowned upon by society and you won't be hired anywhere nice.

Here are 6 things teenagers of the digital age must know.

1. Coding.

It doesn't matter whether you're a computer science major or not. You'll go places if you know how to code. It also has these cognitive benefits and you can even increase your intelligence level if you code daily. You can freelance from home and teach to earn. You can also prevent being hacked by invaders. Software engineers are earning in millions just from coding. It isn't easy, but people have this uncanny ability of getting the hang of things that are trending. You can learn how to code in different languages — and I mean programming languages — from a lot of websites. Codeacademy is one such website.

2. Designing websites.

This one is easier if compared with programming. It most definitely comes in hand when you're trying to promote a brand of yours. Why hire an expert to make a website for you when you can do it yourself? It will spare you the expense of hiring a website designer. That's one thing less to pay for. You can use a self-made website to promote almost anything. You can even create a customized blog or online diary. If you're a business student or want to attract loyal followers, it would do you good if you knew how to make a visually appealing website that makes saliva trickle down people's lips, chins, then down their necks.

3. Using Photoshop.

Photoshop can also be used in website design. Its applications are limitless. You can use it to make posters and edit your selfies and make collages. You can even paint on Photoshop, or so I've read somewhere. Want to decorate your room with pictures and images you've made yourself? Want to place a professional "stay out" sign on the door of your room? Want to avenge yourself by editing an enemy's face with a mustache and lipstick — professionally? Photoshop is your new best friend. You can also make wedding cards and whatnot! This saves expenses, people!

4. Creating content.

What our teenagers must also know is how to blog and create original content. Writing is a mandatory skill. Instead of hiring writers online, be one yourself. There's a voice inside of all us. And all of us can give it words. Some more accurately, some a little naively. And some won't even try. Everybody has different types of personalities. This can give rise to unique content. Many people don't read. Maybe, they'd find reading blogs a much engaging activity? Since blogs have more relatable content.

You need to be able to write. It won't do you any harm and it most certainly will help you; both academically and professionally.

5. Advanced usage of smartphones.

There's a lot to discover about smartphones. All you probably know is that they are amazing and wonderful. There's so much more than meets the eye. For instance, did you know that you can jailbreak your phone and activate more features? It's a process called rooting. After you've successfully rooted your phone, you can do so much more with it! Like, change how the opening of your device works. Are you tired of looking at the company's logo every time you reboot — restart — it? The entire little video thing that you see? With the sound of your company? I read somewhere that you can add customized openings, too! Like Super Mario, and even more! You basically hack into your phone by rooting it. An icon of a Super User app will appear after a successful rooting has been performed, indicating that you've rooted your phone without screwing it up. A lot of applications require root access, too.

There's so much more you can do! Like, make you smartphone a hotspot. And a lot more.

6. Using search engines efficiently.

This one is probably the most beneficial. The web has almost all of the answers to our questions. If only you know how to get to them, will you know what to do. How do you try to save a soaked phone from permanent damage? You bury it under a mountain of rice. This is only one of the countless examples available online for different problems. If you know how to efficiently use your search engine, you can find help with your homework, help with medical stuff, cooking, make up — anything! You can even find help on how to get better at using a search engine.

Oh you, who is reading this post. Help yourself, if you haven't adapted to this brave new world of technology.

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