Transgender Equality.

6:29:00 PM

We all, I'm sure, have seen the transvestites that parade around on the streets, earning for themselves money. Or rather, scrounging for it. Their androgynous appearance — not androgynous at all, in some cases — is an abomination that stains our society. Dressed up and makeup-clad, the earning class of this community seeks people's pity, which is followed by money being placed in their outstretched palms. If pity fails to emanate from their chosen targets, they then seek irritation, which is also followed by the same success. The ones being bullied will do anything to get rid of their pursuit, and handing them cash seems to do the trick. This practice has developed into a constant brain pattern, which is what these butterflies of the night count on. 

When they are ridiculed and criticized by society, this community protests uproariously; vengeance and public acceptance becoming their primary goals. What acceptance do they possibly hope to be given when what they do and have chosen to become is morally unacceptable? To allow surgical manipulation and convert to the opposite gender has dire consequences, both socially and religiously. 

What the American president did, can't be perceived as motivation in this case. The people for whom he legalized marriage, are not a stain on their society; they do not change their appearances and roam around begging for coins. All they wished for was modernistic freedom, a request abhorrent to many but a necessity nonetheless for optimum peace among the people. Our gay men — not all but some unfortunate, uneducated — however, paint their faces and adorn themselves with jewelry and add to the peculiarity of our streets with their ludicrousness. Given what they practice, the freedom that they seek deserves no fulfillment.


This gives others no right of being physically violent with these people. There have been murders, recently, which strongly require powerful attention of the governing bodies of the country. What we may consider abominations, are also living, breathing human beings. Subjecting these unfortunate souls to unjust murder does not set the needed precedent for our future generations. We must practice all-encompassing inequality. 

The murderers responsible must be publicly hanged as examples. 

We imitate the western culture all too enthusiastically. Then why do we fail to imitate the inclusiveness there is for the transgender community? Why do we treat them as outcasts? What they do roaming around does deserve to be condemned, and must be stopped, too. But that gives us no right to harshly treat these individuals. Shunning can be dealt with. But murder? Murder is not acceptable. 

The reason why our country can't be at par with the others is that it doesn't believe in inclusiveness; all-encompassing inclusiveness. We condemn our aberrations and force them to live miserable lives, instead of trying to understand what their problems are and trying to help them. Maybe we are the reason why they choose to be the way they are. Maybe they can't bear anymore the torture and mental harm we inflict upon them and choose to escape. They choose to become what everybody despises, either finding solace in the act or seeking the mere pleasure of watching their tormentors in distress; disgusted by their transformation. 

This inequality prevails not only here, but also in other countries.

We may be living in modern times, but some of our actions are a clear indication that the illiteracy that used to reside within the people of ancient times has, somehow, survived and resides within us, too.

We must put a stop to this, if we want there to be true peace in the world. For all life is precious.

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