What We Want.

5:39:00 PM


All they do is talk.

A cousin of mine wants to be an artist. But her parents won't let her. There's a person that I know who wants to major in Archaeology, but wasn't given the "thumbs-up" that was needed and is now studying for a different degree. Why were they not supported? Because of hearsay! The parents of both of the aforementioned succumbed to hearsay, and didn't allow their children to pursue careers in the areas they wanted to. Because people believe that such professions aren't honorable. Because they believe that there is no success in them.

And their beliefs enjoy the credibility of thousands.

When I decided to choose between Psychology and Law, I was told this: You're crazy!

We shouldn't care what people think! I shouldn't have.

This society of ours has tabooed everything and anything that is good. Boys can't be friends with girls. You can't question your parents even when they're wrong. You can't do anything that you want, unless and until it has on it the world's "stamp of approval".

If we take a look abroad, the people there have segregated themselves from ancient conceptions. We; however, are still holding on to them. This is hindering our progress. We care a lot about what people say.

If we won't leave them behind, they'll haunt is in the future, too. They'll stand in our way of real progress.

We must do what we want. Not what people expect of us.

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